Thursday, March 13, 2008

Desk Drawer Meme

Normally I don't pass along tags, but this one seemed to be more fulfilling to the one going through the desk drawer than it would have value to anyone else. At least it was for me. Thanks to the Gods are Bored blog.

Here is the meme and my results.
Open the drawer closest to your computer, pull out 10 things, and say what they are.

1. Duckhead letter opener. I used to be an avid duck hunter.

2. Three pack of superglue. You never have enough superglue, but of course I didn’t remember this was here.

3. Cheap plastic compass. It tells directions, but I wouldn’t want to navigate far with it.

4. “Bullshit” stamp. I used this at work when I reviewed drafts of staff papers.

5. Cigarette lighter. I smoked for over 40 years. Wish I still did, but haven’t smoked in nearly 4 years.

6. Stereo plug adapters. To hook up different type of audio cables. Something I thought I might need someday but I think for the most part they are now obsolete.

7. Turkish worry beads. A former boss gave these to me. He said I worried too much.

8. Nametag. From before I retired, so clients knew who I was. Now it's so I won't forget who I am.

9. Box of .22 Cal rifle shells. I guess I bought these for that old .22 rifle of grandad's which is upstairs in one of the closets or somewhere.

10. A plastic plumb bob. Not sure why this here except even the new lazer tools can’t beat gravity at getting things level.

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