Friday, April 4, 2008

For What It's Worth

In the 1960's most of us young males got drafted into military service. Although a few evaded the draft, you could never be sure of any of our motives. Some of us blindly followed the leaders of our country - some relunctantly and some convincingly. We were all wounded in the process. If you look closely, you can see the scars.
Then there are the "chickenhawks". These are the hypocrits who failed to serve in their youth, but have now led our country into a bigger quagmire than even the most vocal critics of Vietnam could imagine. The "chickenhawks" in particular include George Bush who was AWOL from his National Guard unit and Dick Cheney who got more deferments that I knew was possible.
Neil Young was part of Buffalo Springfield back in the '60s who sang songs of protest to the Vietnam war. Now his music leads a movement to rid our government of the "chickenhawks".

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