Friday, December 3, 2010

Xmas Tree

Humans throughout our existence have developed all types of traditions for celebrating the winter season . One of the more enduring is to include evergreen decorations to symbolize that life continues even in the coldest, darkest times. The most recent of which is the Xmas tree used in modern times.
We cannot have a live tree indoors due to my wife's allergies, so I cut a scrappy old cedar tree and decorated it out on the patio as I have done in the past.
I harvested him about 600 feet directly behind where it sits. You can see some of his brothers and sisters in the background. I saved the boughs that were trimmed to add to my Solstice wreath which is a work in progress.
In the mornings I can sit at the bistro and look out at my pretty live tree. It will really look pretty when it snows and the birds from the feeder sit in it.
Deck the Patio. Fa! La! La! La!

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