In the west the full "strawberry" moon is shining brightly, while in the east the sun is making a fiery entrance. Another '90 degree plus day is in the forecast, but what a beautiful late June morning sky to start the day.
I celebrated the sun coming up on this longest day of the year with a bonfire and some music. The temperature is supposed to be in the mid '90's today which will be a fitting start to summer. The only sad note is that all the days get shorter now until the winter solstice. After a few dozen 90 degree days that may not seem to be such a bad thing.
Happy Farter's Day from Mr Skunk. The 2010 model of Mr Skunk seems to have a lot of white on him. We had been smelling him in the evening, but had not actually see him since last year. However, this morning I caught him sniffing around for grubs. I'd like to think this would be our last encounter of the year, but I doubt it. I guess I can only hope any future encounters are as uneventful. Taking video of a skunk is kind of like taking video of a tornado. You need to make sure you are at a safe distance and nothing comes flying at you.
My early tomatoes have reach the half way mark (about 6 feet) of their climb to reach the gutter (12 ft). The first ripe tomato is in the lower right hand corner (and below). Most gardeners around here will be lucky to have ripe tomatoes a month from today.
I have been playing around with Microsoft ICE software to create panoramas. The above are very scaled down versions of the results. The software is free for now and does a good job. Some of the newer digital cameras are building in this feature.