Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Raptor is Coming

I caught these two Red Tailed Hawks hunting this morning and it reminded me of an incident at the funeral of one of my friend' mother. He is has always been considered kind of a goof ball, so when he told my wife to get ready that the "rapture" was coming, she misunderstood and thought he said that the "raptors were coming". Later when she asked me what he was talking about, I explained that he meant the "rapture" instead of "raptor".
So today when the alleged "rapture" was to begin, I see that he truly must have meant "raptors", because all I saw was hawks.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Flower Moon

I finally got a photo of the Full Flower Moon. I was lucky it has been cloudy, rainy and cold all week. The high temperature has not reached 60 and on at least one day we set a new low "high temperature" for the date. I just happen to notice a glimpse of moonlight peeking through the clouds about 5:30AM. By the time I got my camera and the correct settings it emerged from the clouds. No sooner than I had taken a couple of quick shots, it was gone. We are supposed to be up in the '80's this weekend.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I'm not sure what has recently attracted so many woodpeckers. They are usually very flighty and hard to photograph but I was able to catch a couple of shots. The Pileated woodpecker above is never around when you have a camera, so he is very hard to catch. Uncle Edward always called them "Indian Hens" which is apparently a common nickname.
The Red headed woodpecker below is also hard to catch on film. The photo is not real great because of the rain, but he did look real bright and pretty in real life despite his scruffy appearance in the photo.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blackberry Winter

I guess it is definitely "Blackberry Winter". The blackberries are blooming and the high temperature is going to be in the '50's for the next 3 days. A week ago it was 90 degrees for 3 days. Things can sure change in a hurry.