Monday, February 21, 2011

Too Many People

A couple of news items caught my attention today. First, experts at a national conference predict that our planet could be 'unrecognizable' by 2050 due to population pressures. At the same time the GOP has introduced legislation to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. Again, it seems our policy decisions are more and more out of step with the realities of world facts. The numbers speak for themselves.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Young Bucks

I was lucky to catch these two young bucks in the middle of the road this morning just before daylight. Since I was trying to catch a photo of the moon, I had the camera on a tripod and had most of the settings for a low light photo. Also since it was cold (25 degrees), I had donned my camouflage coveralls. The deer could not see me as I made a couple minor adjustments and swung the camera on them. Also I was fortunate they stood still for a few moments and there was no traffic. In my case, good luck is more important than skill in photography.
I assume these guys will soon drop their antlers and get ready for next year.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Riverboat Traffic

The barge in the foreground is loaded with coal presumably from western Kentucky headed north on the Ohio River. Less visible in the background is an identical barge load of coal that just passed underneath the bridge. If you don't live near one of the larger inland waterways, it is hard to imagine how is transported over the water.

Snow Moon

The "snow moon" will be full tomorrow, but it was already bright and shiny this morning.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Go Fly a Kite

One thing I try to do each year is fly a kite. I had ordered a new kite and was itching to fly it. So the first pretty day, I got it up and going. I also had to fly the old kite ("Jordan"). It is about 10 years old and homemade, but still soars great in a good wind. (I resemble that last phrase)

Signs of Spring

It warmed up to 60 degrees today and while I was out, the warm temperature was not the only sign of spring that I noticed. When I looked down I saw the first crocus of spring. A pretty yellow spring color. Then I heard a noise above and caught hundreds of Sandhill cranes headed north. These are sure signs of spring. I know we will have more cold weather, but the signs say we are headed for some warmer weather too.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Darwin Day

Darwin Day is celebrated on Charles Darwin's birthday, which is also shared with Abraham Lincoln. Darwin Day is not as much a celebration of his birthday as it is of his theory. It is a celebration of Science and Reason. His Theory of Evolution has been and is the most maligned theory by the non-scientific community; while at the same time, one of the most hailed and lauded by those in the scientific community. There is no way you could study and apply many of the sciences and advanced technologies of today without use of some parts of his theory. It can only be rejected through ignorance.
Representative Pete Stark’s (D-CA) has proposed a House Resolution calling for the designation of February 12, 2011 as Darwin Day. I am almost certain that it won't pass, so in its stead I present the following video in celebration of Evolution Theory and Darwin Day.

Evolution Made Us All from Ben Hillman on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I caught these two Chickenhawks (Red Tailed Hawks) perched together this morning. I have been seeing them together over the last few days, so I assume they are mates. The above link gives several interesting facts about chickenhawks. First, I'm not sure which is the male or female, but according to the article females are the larger of the sexes. Also, they are monogamous. I guess I need to watch and see if they nest nearby. It would be neat to watch their nest. But it's hard to catch photos of the two together.

46 Years Ago

Forty six years ago on 6 February while I was on temporary duty at Clark Air Base in the Philippines, I was hurriedly tagged as part detail to go unload a C-130 that had just taxied up. By the time we got to the aircraft, ambulances started screaming in and we were assigned to help carry litters of bloody bodies to the ambulances. Afterwards, we were told to grab our gear and boarded a C-130 (I don't think it was the same one we unloaded). Somewhere in the process we were told that the bodies were from Camp Holloway, Pleiku, Vietnam and that we were in route to Danang Vietnam. It was late that night or early the next day (didn't really know what time it was except dark) when we landed and were dumped out on the taxiway.
The next day we would launch our first airstrikes against North Vietnam as part of Operation Flaming Dart.

That was a long time ago in a place far away only the vague memories and the lost innocence of youth persist. This is the same posting as last year, but you can't forget.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Year of the Rabbit

Today is the beginning of the Chinese New Year. 2011 is the year of the rabbit on the Chinese calendar. Rabbits are are non threatening creatures that are the subject of much of art and folklore as expounded here.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Imbolc Ceremony

The weather was terrible this morning, so I had quick ceremony out in the shed. It wasn't much, but I had some great Imbolc tunes on the Mp3 and was glad I did something. The captions explains the Brigid Crosses I made and burned.

Happy Groundhog Day, Imbolc, Candlemas

Groundhog Accuracy

Phil sees his shadow approximately 90% of the time.

According to StormFax Weather Almanac and records kept since 1887, he has been correct 39% of the time.

This was my video and posting from last year. I thought it was worth a rerun, after all it's Groundhog Day!