Saturday, March 21, 2009

Vernal Equinox

The Vernal Equinox means Spring is officially here. The days will start to get longer than the nights and it will be time for Spring clean up. One of my Vernal Equinox rituals is to burn the seed catalogs that have collected over the winter. I use to receive close to 50 catalogs (some were duplicate copies). I just throw them in a box after looking at them and comparing bargains and then burn them in the Spring. Since I have ordered from the internet the last few years, I only got 30 this year.
Also, in the middle of the fire is the Brigid Cross that I made for Imbolc. It got burned as part of the Spring cleaning.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fires of Spring

The Vernal Equinox is early this year on the 20th of March. It's time to burn the brush piles from the dead wood of winter. We also have the old whiskey barrels including the one we made into a wishing well and my daughter's old entertainment center on the pile. We used to burn brush piles for the tobacco beds back when we raised and used tobacco. Now its just another spring clean up task.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Scary Weekend

It is shaping up as a very scary March weekend. Starting with Friday the 13th and ending on the "Ides of March". Maybe with a little "Luck of the Irish" all our teams will survive the initial "March Madness" and make it to the big NCAA dance.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Worm Moon

The March full moon is called the Worm Moon. At the time of this spring Moon, the ground begins to soften and earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of robins. This is also known as the Sap Moon, as it marks the time when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple trees begins.

Go Fly a Kite

March winds cue the urge to fly a kite. This is something everyone should experience at least once a year. It nurtures all your senses. The sight, sound and feel of the wind tugging against you is exhilarating.