Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jordan's School Flowers

Jordan sold flowers for school which we dutifully bought. And, since we wanted to share her enthusiam and environmental concerns, we dutifully planted the flowers. Much to our surprise but consistent with Jordan's enthusiam, the flowers are very beautiful and environmentally pleasing. Doing your duty often has pleasing payoffs.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Morning Glory

Morning glory is a common name for over 1,000 species of flowering plants in the family Convolvulaceae. As the name implies, morning glory flowers, which are funnel-shaped, open in the morning, allowing them to be pollinated by hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and other daytime insects and birds. The flower typically lasts for a single morning and dies in the afternoon. New flowers bloom each day. The Aztecs used the seeds which contain LSA (a relative of LSD), a hallucigen, to pray to the sun god.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Fresh from the Garden

Been busy lately, but not too busy to collect a few veggies from the garden before a morning shower in July. It's hard to beat veggies right out the garden. You pick them when they are ripe, not based on shelf life.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I know a lot of people don't rate mimosas very high on their list of trees, but in full bloom the fragrance is hard to beat. Also if it is properly maintained, it is a very pretty tree. In the background is my oldest mimosa tree (about 25 years old) that I pass on my way to the mailbox early in the mornings. In the still morning air the fragrance just hangs over the whole area and you have to just stand there awhile and soak up enough to last through the day and ultimately through another season. The other good thing about mimosas is that they bloom for weeks. I know the fallen blossoms get messy, but that is part of the process.